Explore The Powerful Thinking And Behaviour Strategies To Create Leadership Insights And Dynamic Mental Models
Have you ever been faced with a puzzling pattern of events, stuck in a confusing situation or felt trapped by your own thinking patterns? Enhance your cognitive and leadership insights and capacity. The MINDSET SNAPSHOTS provide proven organizational behaviour , systems thinking and adult learning theories to build dynamic mental models, specifically for ambiguous and uncertain environments. Let's begin the ambiguity learning journey together.
As far back as I can remember, I have always wondered how other people think. I wondered about the misunderstandings, paradoxes and unintentional events unfolding and wondered “What were we thinking that got us here?” My interests are in analyzing behaviours and messy situations. This began my path to becoming an organizational psychologist to understand organizations, behaviours and perspectives to a deeper level, specifically for organizations deemed complex adaptive systems. I have a Doctorate in Adult Learning and Leadership and a Master's Degree in Socio Organizational Psychology. Both degrees are from Columbia University and achieved while working in various executive global positions in complex companies. I am keen to share the powerful thinking and behaviours strategies that I have learned that will enable you to thrive in your professional and personal life. Dr. D